I just found this site for the Global Ideas Bank - requesting "socially innovative non-technological ideas and projects." Apparently the idea is to come up with simple ideas to help out the Third World.
How nice. That's not patronizing, is it?
I have one for them: teach the people to arm themselves, kill their dictators and establish democracies, guaranteeing equal rights, free speech and press, and prohibiting any religion from controlling the government or vice versa, and resist all efforts by the U.N. to bring in its brand of civilization.
Invite Mormon missionaries, medical aid (other than contraceptives) and peace corps volunteers into your nation.
Never trust anybody who makes his living collecting donations to help you.
Instead of weapons, ask for foreign aid in the form of schools and teachers, books, water treatment, irrigation systems, etc.
Prohibit all Europeans, except as tourists, and American economists, social workers, anthropologists, psychologists, journalists, lawyers, political scientists. Accept engineers, agronomists, geologists, and others with useful practical skills.
Don't pay anybody who won't work or create wealth in some other way.
Pursue high literacy rates, sanitation, public health and honest leaders. Work like hell. Put something aside. Raise good kids.
Once a week, read the Sermon on the Mount or If, by Rudyard Kipling.
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