Saturday, February 16, 2002

The Salt Lake Tribune's take on the Enron debacle

What should we learn from Enron?

1. The market giveth and the market taketh away, blessed be the market.

2. Some businessmen lie and have poor judgement. Surprise!

3. Hype and P.R. cannot replace good management.

4. Politicians are shameless, and every bit as untrustworthy as business leaders.

5. The media love scandals and will find them and overplay them and lecture to us all about them ad nauseum, but keep your powder dry, do your homework and don't trust everything you hear without checking it out.

6. Political contributions don't guarantee influence.

7. Corporate and political bailouts are more likely to come from Democrat administrations than Republican ones. (Remember "Ford to New York City: Drop Dead!")

8. Don't trust your money to something you don't fully understand. If you can't interpret financial reports, diversify and don't bet the rent.


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