Friday, March 08, 2002

There's an editorial in the Wall Street Journal today that should be published without requiring a subscription. It details how the EPA has funneled money to environmental activists and destroyed evidence to thwart discovery in court cases.

For the dirty little secret of the Environmental Protection Agency is that it has morphed into a funding farm. From 1993 to 2001, tax-exempt non-profit organizations soaked the EPA for $2 billion, according to documents unearthed by the Landmark Legal Foundation.

Many millions went to causes with little to do with cleaner air or water. The EPA's top six non-profit recipients weren't even environmental organizations but senior-citizen groups, such as AARP, whose foundation got $99 million.

I keep getting AARP recruiting letters in the mail, and always throw them away. Maybe I'd better join up so I can get some benefit from my taxes. Not!


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