USS Clueless - Warrior engineering and soldier marketing
Den Beste is right and wrong. He's right about Dell and wrong about Microsoft. Dell competes. Microsoft wields power ruthlessly and forces its products on the market.
His point about Apple being too ideological is true. If Steve Jobs were smart he would have ported MacOS to the Intel platform a long time ago, but he wants to control both the hardware and the software. Maybe he thinks it will be more stable, that way, but that hasn't been my experience.
If Jobs were a real competitor he wouldn't have squelched licensing of the Mac architecture. If Gates were a real competitor he wouldn't need to wield the OS like a club. His product would succeed on its merits, not because it was the only one you could get bundled with your computer.
This "Where do you want to go today?" is like "All Animals are equal." It doesn't reflect the true concerns of the people in charge.
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