Today's NYTimes Editorial page:
Them: "Congress must enact urgently needed legislation to provide federal help in insuring against catastrophic terrorist attacks in the future."
Me: Even better, how about tort reform?
Them: Global Warming Follies "President Bush continues to stumble on the issue of global warming."
Me: Better to stumble, than goosestep for the Sierra Club and the U.N.
Them: Deceptive Tans and Health Risks "Although the bronzed look on models and celebrities comes more from makeup than the sun, young readers get the wrong message."
Me: (YAWN!) Yeah, computer porn must be protected, but we must do something to protect the nation's children from sun tans.
Them: Off to the Races "This afternoon, millions of people who never pay any attention to horse racing will be likely to flip on their television sets to watch the Belmont Stakes."
Me: I'm glad I don't bet.
"Department of Homeland Insecurity By FRANK RICH"
Me: "By Frank Rich"--Need I say more?
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