Thursday, September 26, 2002

Instapundit remarks on Gore's Big Speech:
it's this unwillingness to take a position -- and too-obvious positioning to blame Bush if things go wrong -- that renders Gore, and many other Democrats (with the exception of some, like Zell Miller, John Edwards, and Joe Lieberman) so embarrassingly inadequate to the debate. It's opportunism, pure and simple. And it's the transparent and self-defeating opportunism of someone who has memorized the rulebook, but who doesn't understand the game.

This reminded me of the bogus insistence of the critics that we know the outcome before we start, including what kind of government will replace Saddam. That is the sophistry of cowards and it is the root of the dithering after the first attack on the WTC and other terrorist operations that encouraged bin Laden to go forward with the 9/11 atrocities. Brave and wise men gather as much information as they can, but they don't use uncertainty as an excuse for not doing what clearly is necessary. I'm really sick of the "chickenhawk" argument and the hogwash about the war being fought by the poor and ignorant classes. That went out with conscription.


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