Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Best of the Web accuses MSNBC's column, Blogspotting, of smearing Charles Johnson by calling his blog, Little Green Footballs, "hateful."

I don't consider LGF hateful, but what I find more interesting is that MSNBC has appointed itself the arbiter of who is and isn't hateful. This is the kind of arrogance that has earned mainstream media the distrust of most thinking people. If I need a guide to which blogs are worth reading, I have Instapundit. Reynolds is perfectly opinionated, but at least he doesn't try to mislead anybody about his objectivity. If I wanted more big media political correctness, I wouldn't be reading blogs in the first place. MSNBC seems to want us to believe that asking one of the broadcast networks for guidance on which cable shows to watch, will get you a completely honest review.

Udpate: "Will Femia, the MSNBC Weblog Central editor, is distancing himself from his smear," reports BOTW, and quotes Femia saying that his "hateful" remark wasn't his opinion, but that of some people who had written to him. If Femia doesn't print his own views, what's the point of his column. He doesn't cite any traffic statistics, polls or anything else of use to his readers. If he isn't a critic, why should anybody read his column? Why not just republish Instapundit? At least Professor Reynolds has a point of view and is willing to say what he thinks and not blame his views on someone else.


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