Friday, November 01, 2002

James Lileks has been blogging about other things than politics for the last few days. I had hoped to read his comments about the Democrats' behavior at Wellstone's memorial/rally/political ambush. But he kept mum.
Today, however, he reviews Mondale's first campaign speech. (Quotes from Mondale are in italics):

Iraq is dangerous, but going it alone is dangerous, too.

Here he equates a nuke-armed Saddam with the consequences of deposing Saddam without a hall pass from France. They�re both
�Dangerous.� The first part, yes. That�s dangerous. The second part is �Dangerous� in the sense that Michael Jackson was �Bad.�
. . .

That's the belief that won Jimmy Carter the Nobel Peace Prize. That's the course that the first President Bush took in the gulf war. And that's where Paul Wellstone stood, and that's where I will stand in the United States Senate.

Meaning: �I�ll give France a veto over national security issues.� . . .

I get the picture. I get the idea. I read him loud and clear. He�ll fight for everything.

Except for actual fighting.

Read it all. Wellstone was a nice man. It's a shame that his plane crashed. But that doesn't means his political positions are any more compelling now that he's gone.


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