Sunday, December 08, 2002

I guess I can say this, because nobody else reads this blog anyway.

I really couldn't care less about what Trent Lott said at Strom Thurmond's farewell. If he'd waved a Confederate flag and whistled Dixie, so what? Does anybody really think that Lott is going to push to roll back all the civil rights laws and amend the Constitution to repeal the 14th Amendment?

But the blogosphere is all het up about it and calling for Lott's head. This from a bunch of Libertarians! Save your indignation for something serious, guys. I don't have a brief for Lott. I don't like him any more than I like Orrin Hatch, who I think is an embarrassment to Utah a lot of the time.

I don't like a lot of things that African Americans spout about "whitie" either, but I think that we're all better off when such dumb things are ignored by polite society.
I'm just tired of American being on the lookout for more things to argue about. As far as I'm concerned all this huffing over Lott is indicative of nothing better to blog about. It's a meta-issue. It's making a man an offender for a word. Fuggeddaboutit.


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