Thursday, December 26, 2002

Patty Murray's outrageous remarks about bin Laden receive no coverage in the media. Once again we see how the Democrats can only see bad conduct on the other side of the aisle. This hypocrisy is what we witnessed during the Clinton impeachment hearings when they complained that the Republicans weren't being "bipartisan." Of course, they were bipartisan during Watergate, because Nixon was guilty. And they were bipartisan recently when they removed Trent Lott as Senate Majority Leader. But bipartisanship only goes one way. I don't think Patty Murray should resign her office, but I would expect that those in the media who routinely denigrate George Bush's intelligence and leadership and demanded that Senator Lott resign, would not ignore something as idiotic as this, or the Baghdad Boys. Apparently the Republicans just have higher standards.

Bipartisanship is an interesting concept, when used as a political argument. It can only exist across party lines, so whenever a dispute splits on party lines, neither side is being bipartisan. But when it is used as a self-evidently good thing and the basis of an accusation, it means nothing more than "You should agree with us." Of course, this begs the question of why those demanding bipartisanship don't abandon their party and join the other side. None of the Democrats, like Sheila Jackson Lee, Barbara Boxer, or seemed to see the contradiction inherent in the charge.

Here in Utah, the Republicans control everything except one congressional district and Carbon County. The Democrats are always complaining that we don't have a two-party system, by which they mean, apparently, that more people should support candidates they don't agree with just for the sake of fairness. That's a new definition of democracy to me. Of course, when fairness is the test of everything as it is with the socialists on the left, it must seem like a brilliant argument.


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