Monday, January 06, 2003

I just found Adam Felber's blog, Fanatical Apathy. The link is to a most trenchant analysis of the Democrat lineup for 2004 yet.

Seeing sites like this and Lileks' makes me feel so inadequate. All these years of writing motions and briefs have left me unable to be spontaneous and funny. Mostly, I think of funny things while I supposed to be something serious, like in court. My best was when the prosecutor was reciting a stipulation into the court record, i.e. stating to the court what facts we had agreed to, in the form of agreeing that had a state's expert witness testified, she would have said blah, blah, blah. The judge then asks me, 'Is that your stipulation?' I said, 'Yes, but the record should reflect that if she had testified, I would have broken her down on cross examination.' The judge gave me the look of a dog hearing a strange sound. I never tried that again.

When I was in college, I used to post notices on the library bulletin board on behalf of the Young Apathetics of BYU--things like "This month's meeting of the YABYU has been cancelled for lack of interest." We also sponsored a BYU Banalities contest. Now I find my idea being exploited by Adam Felber! Well, Adam, put this in your pipe: I don't care!

Oh well, back to the depression.


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