Steven Den Beste calls the response from those who take satisfaction from the destruction of Columbia "despicable odiousness." I can't think of a word that expresses the disgust I feel for these people, but surely this shows how vacant and sterile their lives must be. We could expect the stories coming from Iraq and other Musllim quarters, but Canada? I'm sure that Noam Chomsky is celebrating as well. I guess it just proves that he's no rocket scientist. Neither are the other morons who are so entralled by leftist politics that they no longer have any common sense about peace, science or humanity. Arrogance describes the attitudes of such people, whose hatred of the United States is so controlling of their lives, that they can believe, for instance, that Sadam Hussein is not a threat, that we havent' "made the case," that appeasement will solve anything or that France is still a great world power.
All I can say is take a minute and compare Ron Dittemore, the head of NASA's space shuttle program, with people like the Canadian journalist who made the American arrogance crack, or this paragon of vacuity and tell me who has the better mind. There seems to be something so shriveling and implosive about Bush's critics that they can't even feel human emotions any longer, only schadenfreude. May they drown in their own venom.
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