Monday, March 17, 2003

The cable news channels are nothing but a series of diplomats responding to the pull-out of reporters, inspectors, etc. from Iraq. It's very predictable. The French, Russians and Germans claim that inspections are working and they just need more time. Powell says 12 years is enough, and that France blew it when it stated that it would veto any new resolution we offered. That tore it.

Not only will there be a war of liberation for Iraq, but France is finished as a shrewd diplomat and the U.N. has lost whatever figleaf of legitimacy it might have had.

I just finished reading last week's Weekly Standard on the fecklessness of the U.N. Truman's own Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, pretty well had it nailed in the 1940s. My generation came after and were spoon fed the U.N. as the new world order in grade school through My Weekly Reader. Most of us have grown up and see for ourselves the stupidity of such beliefs.


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