Monday, March 24, 2003

Look at this and then look at this. Now tell me which one is more gruesome.

Michael Moore, that pompous sanctimonious tub of guts, picked up an Oscar (registered trademark) tonight, butwas booed and drowned out by the orchestra when he started in on an anti-war diatribe.

I see the bodies of young men brutally tortured and murdered, and I think of King Lear's lines upon the death of Cordelia "No, no, no life! Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life, And thou no breath at all?" I think of the pain their families are suffering, and ask myself how I'd feel to see my sons be murdered like this. The only consolation I could feel is that they were there to serve others, and true to their duties. In the words of Tony Blair, "These were brave men who, in order to make us safer and more secure, knew the risks, faced the risks and had the courage to serve their country and the wider world."

I'm sure someone will make a movie about the young men and woman who were taken as POWs by Saddam's mafia. I won't watch it and I won't pay to see it. I didn't see "Blackhawk Down." Now I don't know if I ever want to see another war film. To make millions from the sacrifices of men and women whose pay is pocket change to the ghouls of Hollywood is immoral, especially when that money then goes to support opponents of defending freedom.

I suppose that Saving Private Ryan is an exception, because it illustrates the reasons why we honor these heroes, but I still think I'd rather send the money to something like Operation Uplink.


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