Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Jonathan Chait is being roundly fisked and refisked in the right blogosphere, and he deserves it. More than anything else, his screed exposes all the memes that Bush-haters have infected each other with. Anyone who listens regularly to Hugh Hewitt's show has heard Peter Beinart, Erwin Chemerinsky and Josh Marshall (to a lesser extent) spew this stuff in crescendos of frantic shrillness.

I posted the following on Shot in the Dark commenting on another excellent response to Chait:
My take is that these people can't bear to face the facts that (1) they actually defended Bill Clinton, who has been shown by subsequent events to have ignored his responsibility to protect and defend this nation, and (2) that George W. Bush, whom they all dismiss as an intellectual lightweight, has succeeded so brilliantly at the same task. They're in denial with a vengeance, and the density of their hatred is so high that it bends light into patterns that only they can see.
The danger, however, is that, with this mindset dominating the media, the people who don't pay attention will start believing the lies.


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