Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Here's Linda Greenhouse's report on the SCOTUS decision to review the Pledge of Allegiance case. I thought that the "under God" phrase was added to make clear that the pledge did not require people to place allegiance to country ahead of allegiance to God. If you don't believe in God you're not affected. And if you're Dr. Newdow, you're not entitled to tell the rest of the country what it has to believe any more than anybody else can tell him what he has to believe. I'm really tired of all this fussing over letting people mention God in public. Even in schools, the only test should be whether religious expressions promote tolerance or work against it.

What really offends me is when parents use their children as pawns in their personal fights. Newdow's daughter should not be made the focus of this nonsense. By his childish and petulant lawsuit he has demonstrated that he cares more about his own opinions than he does about her happiness.


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