Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The left is losing its mind

U.S. is losing, CIA officer says is the headline of this story put out by the
New York Times News Service. The author is anonymous he says, because the CIA allowed him to publish only on the condition "that the author and his internal agency not be identified." Does that pass your smell test?

The hot details from his book sound more like warmed over hash from Kerry stump speeches:
"U.S. leaders refuse to accept the obvious:" the CIA officer writes. "We are fighting a worldwide Islamic insurgency � not criminality or terrorism � and our policy and procedures have failed to make more than a modest dent in enemy forces." . . .

In the book, the author denounced the American invasion of Iraq as "an avaricious, premeditated unprovoked war against a foe who posed no immediate threat," and said it would fuel the anti-American sentiments on which bin Laden and his followers draw.
The "avaricious, premeditated and unprovoked" make this guy sound like a moron. It's costing us over $100 billion to do this and he calls that "avaricious"? And "premeditated"? If it weren't, there should be a lot of Pentagon planners up for courts martial.

The story claims this guy is a 22 year veteran in the agency. From what is quoted, I'd say he ought to be fired for failure of intelligence.

Update: BLACKFIVE has more. All the same questions went through my mind. Why would the CIA approve the publication of a book like this at this time? Maybe it's time to shut it down and start over, as I thought we should have done instead of creating the Homeland Security Agency. I see the need for such a department, but it's not really an intelligence agency, and increasingly it seems that the CIA isn't either.

Reading the comments on BLACKFIVE's post, it occurred to wonder if the author could be Valerie Plame. ;)


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