Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I couldn't agree more.

it would be useful if those more moderate Muslims would take a more aggressive role. Some are -- see, for example, the Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism -- but we could use more of that, no doubt. But to the extent that these people encounter comments urging that Islam be "banned," they're likely to feel less, rather than more, motivated toward reasonableness.
This is why Bush has so consistently called Islam a religion of peace. I've read about four books about Islam since 9/11 and all I can say is that the image that the Saudis have created of Islam in this country is about the worst one possible, even if it's probably the true face of Wahhabism, and a misrepresentation of Islam as a whole. It's as if the Jim Jones cult or the Branch Davidians were represented as mainstream Christianity.


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