Wednesday, October 27, 2004

If one candidate, or his supporters, is trying to scare you

Best of the Web is excellent today. Taranto examines the reasons given by the eggheads at Slate against the test Clinton proposed.

Update: Jim Wooten, if you care to navigate through the AJC compulsory registration, describes an extreme case of this fearmongering. I'm getting frightened, not of Kerry becoming president, but that he, his party and the their supporters in the media and academia will justify anything to keep from losing power. Maybe it's because I grew up when the Dems held perpetual control of Congress, which waivered during the Reagan administration and then collapsed in 1994, and so I don't feel that the universe is coming apart when my side loses an election, but the bizarre behavior of the left in this campaign ought to make everybody want to deliver a stunning slap to bring them to their senses.

I don't believe anybody is capable of the perverseness and evil they attribute to Bush. I almost expect them to claim next, that he kills babies and eats them. I've seen family members who are otherwise intelligent and well-educated turned to conspiracy theorists by their Anti-Bush frenzy. This really is getting weird. I'm beginning to believe seriously in Hugh Hewitt's thesis that crushing the Democrats is essential. (Time only will tell if my life depends on it, but I think a lot of Muslim and Jewish lives in the Middle East could.)

Today, I got around to reading David Gelernter's piece in the Weekly Standard entitled The Greatness of George Bush. That title alone is enough to cause Lucifer-like wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left, but it's quite cogent, more so because of what he has accomplished in spite of the hysterical opposition.


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