Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The last refuge of a loser

Kerry is resorting to scare tactics, the sure sign that he knows he's losing. Hugh Hewitt is jubilant because Kerry is falling behind in the polls. I'd support that more if Bush had a 20 point lead. I would have thought, after 9/11, that somebody with Kerry's arguments would be laughed out of the country.

The rest of the left are no better. Robert Scheer, who has never had very high standards of accuracy when it comes to anti-Bush rumors, is claiming the administration is sitting on a damaging CIA report, calling it "shocking." Even if it were true, it wouldn't be shocking. It is exactly what I'd expect from any administration involved in a close election, including every Democratic one I can remember.

It's getting pretty hard to take any political rhetoric, especially the "shocking" claims, seriously. They've cried wolf too many times. Democrats have always depended on controlling votes of large blocs of ignorant voters who vote as their union, the NAACP or the AARP tell them to. It's the old machine politics, and it reeks of voter fraud. Add to that the huge numbers of illegal voters who can register under the relaxed rules spearheaded by the Democrats. Voting by mail and absentee ballots has made it very difficult indeed to know what the real vote is. It certainly won't be known for sure on November 2.


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