Monday, November 08, 2004

It's not like they're out of touch with the electorate

Best of the Web on Friday had a nice roundup of the Democrat pundits' reaction to the election. I must say I'm disappointed in E. J. Dionne, who claims that the president didn't win by enough percentage points for it to be a mandate. So you have to win by a supermajority to govern? It's a little late to unilaterally change the rules, isn't it? Or does he just mean that the Democrats shouldn't feel honor bound to follow the will of the people? When did they ever?

To those you can add this nostrum for losing from Bob Herbert, saying we need to have teach-ins to explain to the dumb voters who supported Bush why their votes this time were wrong. "Teach-in" sounds so much nicer than "re-education camp." You can't make this stuff up.


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