Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Chicken or Egg

Heard more about Ward Churchill today on the Michael Medved show. He had a couple of students from the U of Colorado defending Churchill with the fatuous academic freedom and freedom of speech arguments.

What is there about Academia that seems to attract lefties and radical nuts like Churchill? Or is it the lefties and radical nuts who have degraded Academia? I'm not sure that a college education, at least in the "liberal arts" or "humanities" is worth having anymore, unless you plan to become a clone in the Ethnic Studies department somewhere. Does the MSM's liberal bias have anything to do with it? Idiots like Churchill tend to get attention, and that makes them celebrities with somebody. Just as Watergate made celebrities of Woodward and Bernstein and attracted who knows how many young people to journalism with the hope of someday bringing down a president, maybe there's something about people like Cornell West or Churchill that inspires weak-souled kids to emulate them. It certainly did during the Sixties.


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