Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Cashing in

For all their disdain for capitalism, Mike Walker points out that "Every journalist is 'cashing in' whenever they write about anything." He's right. you can't call yourself a professional if you don't do it for a living, as people from the MSM keep reminding us.

The entire interview is well worth reading.

Rather has said: "I hope it will be said: 'He never sold out.'" What does that mean? He was being paid $5,000,000 a year, if I recall correctly. He was driven by ambition and claimed to be a "big game hunter" meaning he wanted credit for bringing down major political figures. Is that really what reporting the news is all about? Excuse me, but I thought it was getting the facts right and reporting them with as much objectivity as you can.

A lot of the retrospectives I've seen mention the press conference where he spouted off to President Nixon. That is my number one memory of Dan Rather: arrogant, pushy, and wanting to be the story, not just to report it.


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