Sunday, March 20, 2005

Howard Dean's latest blurt

He called Republicans "brain-dead." What does it say about your party that it has lost three elections in a row to the brain-dead? Or that your only answer to its agenda is lame insults? Liberals seem to have a hard times expressing their philosophy in any coherent way, probably because it's incoherent. They want religion out of public life, but believe that government's most important duty is charity. You'd think that people who want God to keep his mouth shut would be far more laissez faire than they seem to be. Or that their professed belief in tolerance and diversity would make them less hostile to religious faith, but just the opposite seems to be the case.

Dean fought hard for the chairmanship of his party and got it. The question that must be in everybody's mind is "Why?" It's unlikely that he has any formula for redressing the party's losses. Rather, he seems to believe in the Bigger Hammer approach to solving problems, which is fine by me.


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