Friday, May 27, 2005

Retire them but don't overrule them?

That right-wing, extremist, radical activist Jeff Jacoby points out that "The Supreme Court has become an immensely powerful institution, one that sets national policy on contentious issues from abortion to race to property rights." Duh.

He goes on to argue that the justices should not serve for life. I would prefer some way to limit their authority to overturn democratically enacted laws, but I'm not sure how to word it, or maybe we need an easier way to amend the Constitution, or some way to overrule Court decisions. I don't like the idea of limiting tenure, because it doesn't do much to get at the real problem, which is that the court has allowed itself to become a tool for achieving political results without having the votes. The court has become such a patsy for every kind of injustice argument that it has forgotten that it's only one branch of government and the least representative at that.


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