Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Did Lucas get help?

If this is true, Spielberg should have given Lucas a lot more. The film was an embarrassment to the writer, Lucas himself. A real friend would have conducted an intervention and pressed him to hire a screenwriter.

As a commenter on writes:
Lucas, however, may be one of the worst writers in recent memory. Some have claimed the Lucas brought in another writer to help with the romantic subplot between Anakin and Senator Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman). This is quite believable: The dialogue seems as if it's been written by a fourteen-year-old girl. It's painful and embarrassing to watch; it's funny; yet, it's supposed to be emotional and painful in another way entirely.
Ouch! Sadly he's spot on.

The movie has grossed $400 million so far, so Lucas is off the hook. We go to these films for the special effects and the spectacle of an alternate reality. I say again, the movie would have been better without dialogue, told by a narrator.


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