Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Get off the stage!

Peggy Noonan's column on Opinion Journal today about the arrogance of politicians is well worth reading and it's particularly timely, given the number of displays recently: Voinivich choking on the floor of the Senate because he worries that John Bolton would destroy the world the senator envisions for his grandchildren; Durbin comparing the excesses at Gitmo to the Holocaust or Pol Pot's killing fields; the left wing of the Supremes' decision the local governments are free to condemn private property for the benefit of businesses; or the orchestrated hair-on-fire reaction to Karl Rove's perfectly ordinary political criticism of liberals.

You'd hope that these cockalorums would be thrown out of office by the people who are the true sovereigns of this country, but the people seem to have an attention deficit disorder and are gullible to boot. Unless we wake up and quit taking the word of the MSM for what's happening, we'll deserve what we get.


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