Wednesday, August 31, 2005


For the record, I'm NOT delinking Instapundit.

In the first place, I don't flatter myself that anybody follows links on my blogroll. Secondly, Glenn Reynolds wouldn't notice it if I did. And lastly, it's childish.

I go to Instapundit several times a day, along with Hugh Hewitt, Best of the Web, RCP and Power Line Blog. I don't agree with Glenn on a lot of things, but I do on a lot more. He is one of the people whose sense of what news is significant is valuable, along with his ability to see through the spin and slanted coverage of the MSM. His libertarian views are valuable correctives to the dumb CW that otherwise passes for analysis and "interpretation," and they have a large overlap with many of the things I've believed since I began paying attention to the news and politics. I don't particularly agree with his stance on the Rave phenomenon or the war on drugs, but why would I want to cut off my news to spite him?

When I disagree with him, or anybody else, I can say so here, as I have, and Glenn linked my comment. That's called living by one's principles. Also grownup behavior.


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