Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Democrats' Right to Die

Mort Kondracke notes that Bush's problems are diverting attention from the Democrats' failure to propose a reasonable alternative.

This is especially true in the Roberts hearings where they continue to pound their heads against the wall asking questions he refuses to answer because they have nothing better to do and they don't dare not attack. They remind me of the Federalists who, having been snookered by the structural advantage the Constitution gave to the Southern States, became captured by abolitionists, failed to face reality and just became bitter. The party shrunk to oblivion because all it could do was carp and condemn.

Senator Clinton:
"Well, we saw what that meant in the last couple of days. You can't expect any help from your government that you pay taxes to. You can't expect any help unless you own a car, unless you have enough money to figure out how to get your family on an airplane to get away from impending disaster," Clinton said.
Something tells me that most of the people who were stranded in the city were not big taxpayers. And, of course, she's insulting the Coast Guard, the Red Cross, and every other organization that was there at once with help, as well as millions of people who sent aid immediately and generously. I didn't notice that the $52 billion authorized by Congress at Bush's request was marked "for the white and the rich" only.

I hope the Republicans hang this around her neck in the next four years, because, like Mayor Nagin, once the crisis has passed most fair people will recognize that Bush showed more concern for these people than their own Democrat governor did. It is the reaction of local Democrat pols that best fits Clinton's invective.


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