Monday, October 31, 2005

The fight they wanted

Well, the liberals haven't wasted any time launching denunciations of Sam Alito. Reviving memories of Bork, calling him "Scalito" (clever, huh?), claiming he's not enough like O'Connor, against equality, and a whole parade of other horribles.

Others are counting votes.

James Taranto:
Once again, all is right with the world. Regaining his footing after the Miers misstep, President Bush this morning nominated Judge Samuel Alito of the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
The snarling dog is wagging its tail again. So much for presidential discretion.

Alito was confirmed to the Third Circuit by acclamation. Don't expect that to happen again.

This reminds me of the battle scenes in Lord of the Rings, except that both sides see themselves in the defending role. I hope it's worth it.


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