Friday, November 11, 2005

Bush is back.

His response to the Democrat's favorite bit of disinformation seems quite civil to me.

My favorite paragraph of the NYTimes' story was this:
Today's remarks by the president, which painted his critics as hypocrites, drew quick and angry responses from Democrats, and quickly led to a back-and-forth with Republicans about who was exploiting Veterans Day by using it as a forum to voice their views on Iraq.
They are hypocrites. Look at the video clips. They jumped on the WMD business because it gave them a way to back out of what they supported at the beginning, but the intel was and is defensible. They're playing the scandal card, projecting their own dishonesty and cynical politics onto Bush.

The Democrats and and MSM have repeated this "Bush lied!" lie so often that they know longer remember anything else. How can an honest person deny that Saddam Hussein was a threat when he used WMD against the Kurds in Halabja? Anyone who would set oil fields on fire, declare unprovoked wars on his neighbores, murder his own people, fire rockets at the population of Israel in a time when they were not at war, and a host of other brutal and mad actions cannot ever be said not to be a hazard to world peace.

The purpose of the war was not just to rid the world of this criminal, though, it was to strike at the roots of terrorism by giving them hope through democracy and helping them to build a modern economy. It was a bold strategic move. Bush told us that it would take years and predicted just about everything else that has happened since. Why the press keeps telling us that its a failure, is beyond me. It's going as he said it would, and it's succeeding. Well done, Mr. President.

Now about that deficit . . .

Update: Glenn is getting hate mail for dissenting from the Democrat line. The Moonbats don't like it when you point out that they're lying. The "Bush lied!" pile of horse pucky was pretty clearly that when they first used it and it hasn't turned into anything better. To paraphrase the cowboy poem Reincarnation, it ain't changed all that much. And neither have they. Harry Reid seems to be shrinking like that general in Mars Attacks! who was hit with the shrinking weapon. He seems to get smaller and shriller everytime I see him. I've tried to cut him a break since he's a fellow Mormon, but he's a twit.


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