Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Now I know what they mean by "moonbat."

Hugh Hewitt had a caller today who claimed that Howard Dean's campaign failed because a reporter at Fox News kept referring to him as "John Dean." When asked why Bush got re-elected the caller confided that it was because the electorate are "stupid." Cue The Twilight Zone music. Apparently more Americans are tuned into the substance of the candidates than are sold by the MSM characterization of them. The fact is that John Dean scared his own party. He got a lot of dough from people like Hugh's caller, but when he went on the road with his bitter, angry, paranoid routine, those people in the heartland just got nervous. That redfaced yell of his wasn't the cause of his decline, it was a symptom of the wildeyed manic nuttiness that endeared him to the crowd. People couldn't just sit next to others out in the farm country and get enthusiastic about a nutcase.

John Kerry won the primaries because he seemed normal compared with Dean, but once the campaign was on he was so boring, and such a Munchhausen about his war record, and such a buffoon with Freudian slips like "I voted for the $80 billion, before I voted against it" accidentally admitting what everybody in Congress knows and counts on but doesn't ever acknowledge publicly.


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