Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Parliament of Poopyheads

James Taranto describes the fad of putting anti-Bush messages on the clothing of tots, such as "President Poopyhead," as "pretty well captur[ing] the intellectual spirit of the Democratic Party." Politics is reaching a low we haven't seen in my lifetime.

If anybody deserves the Poopyhead label it would be Republican defectors who seem to think Bush's policies are now radioactive, such as Bill Frist, John Warner and others who pushed today's resolution demanding regular updates on the war from the White House. They already get regular reports on the progress of the war. Even George Allen voted for it. And they chose to pass this on a day when the President is out of the country.

What on earth are they thinking? George Allen understands football, presumably, so why doesn't he understand that ignoring your quarterback and running your own play is a good way to lose a game?

If they think this will shield them in the elections to come, they should remember the elder Bush's "no new taxes" pledge and how the Democrats hung it around his neck after they got him to compromise it.

I'm really disgusted today. I'm not sure I want these people representing me as a Republican anymore. Such cowardice and lack of leadership makes me ill.

Hugh Hewitt is livid, as he should be.

I hereby declare open season on RINOs.


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