Saturday, December 17, 2005

Spying on Americans

The latest nonsense from the left is the claim that Bush signed an order authorizing the NSA to spy on US citizens without a warrant and that it was illegal. Actually they were spying on terrorist suspects' communications with people inside the U.S. It was also not illegal, as is claimed. He received a legal opininon that these orders were legal. The whole matter is a release of classified information and should be investigated to find out who leaked it to the press.

These attacks on Bush have gotten out of hand. The hatred is so fevered, so irrational that people can't see what they're doing anymore. The MSM loves this polarization. There's increasing talk about impeaching the president.

I have always said that my privacy is not more important than the need to protect this country from terrorists. The ideas of civil rights have been twisted, even flipped to a point where religious freedom is curtailed in the name of the First Amendment, and free speech is not just about debate anymore.

As history goes, if our efforts in Iraq fail, it will no more than a blip compared to World War II, Korea and Vietnam. But if they succeed, it will be seen in the future as a turning point in world history. People in the future will look back with wonder at how Bush is hated today, as we do at the vicious attacks on Abraham Lincoln in his day. Those who refuse to grant him even the fact that he is sincerely trying to do what he feels is best for the nation. They prefer to see him and his associates are monsters, without the slightest humanity or other redeeming characteristic. The suffering of the Vietnamese under the Communist regime and the horrible crimes of Saddam Hussein which we stopped don't seem to matter. How does politics become so visceral and overpowering of reason? I can only hope this will not continue after Bush is no longer president, but I'm not sanguine.


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