Sunday, December 25, 2005

The things we have in common are more important than the things that separate us.

This post from Iraq the Model reminds me that Christianity was in Iraq before Islam and that they and Judaism all share the same historical foundation.

Let us pray for what we all wish for, peace and safety for families to rear children and seek their own happiness without the Herods, Hitlers and Saddams to interfere. Governments are supposed to make society work for the common good, but somehow they too often end up being destructive, and good people have to die to restore them to what they should be. Let's hope that the dream of democracy can be made to work in Iraq and spresd throughout the world the notion that God wants us all to be free.

I think that most Americans would wish that for all Muslims, freedom, peace and safety. All those purple fingers showed me that Muslims hope for the same.

This year, as nearly every every year since the Second World War thousands of Americans around the world are on duty in hopes of preserving peace at the cost of billions. We do it out of good will, in hopes that more won't have to die in the future, and that tyrants will be deterred. They won't be, but the dream still lives and is invoked again this year as every year: Peace on Earth. Good will to men. God bless us every one.


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