Monday, January 23, 2006

I wonder what John Belushi would be doing today.

I just happened onto The Blues Brothers" on AMC. I'd forgotten what made it such a great feel-good movie. Ray Charles, the old 1960s skinny ties and the music. The rest of it is just an excuse to celebrate the R&B culture from my teen years. That's what Animal House was really about as well: John Belushi taking the guitar away from the folksinger and smashing it.

Even the political and racial tensions became a form of nostalgia. There are Jake and Elwood singing Stand By Your Man behind a chicken wire screen. Isn't that reall what America is all about? Working out our differences and making fun of ourselves afterwards. That and thinking about what'll happen when the feces hit the fan.

And it couldn't have happened without that great Canadian, Dan Ackroyd and his pitch perfect Chicago accent.

Keep your drugs and alcohol. Give me back John Belushi.


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