Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Speedy Gonzales

Dope me up and send me into that good night. The Supremes give it the nod. I think that it's not a moral choice to make, but if that's what the people in Oregon want, who am I to bemoan the loss of a few liberals?

This isn't forcing anybody to take his own life. If they really want to do it, they'll figure out a way. What strikes me as odd is the sight of the winning Plaintiff's grinning as if they've been suddenly cured of terminal cancer instead of getting the permission of SCOTUS their quietus to make. I wonder when they'll realize that with or without this decision, they'll still be dead.

If we get to the point when doctors are prescribing suicide, as opposed to drugs which make it painless, I'd be opposed, but insulin is not that hard to get hold of and neither are most sleeping pills and tranquilizers. So what's the fuss all about?


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