Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dogs and cats living together!

Bill Bennett and Alan Dershowitz on the unwillingness of the American press to publish the Danish cartoons.

They're right, of course. But Tim Blair says it in fewer words: "Most media organisations have taken a stand by boldly running away." Then he really pours on the ridicule:
Journalists can spend entire careers mouthing off about their commitment to free speech without ever having the chance to properly demonstrate it. I once had a theory that the lack of repression in modern democracies drove journalists to invent McCathyesque threats, so much did they crave an opportunity to stare down those who would silence them. Their ideal imagined foes (I’m guessing): brutish religious fundamentalists opposed to progressive notions on women’s rights, homosexuality, art, and education.
Hypocrites. That's all you can conclude about the Cocoon People after seeing the tantrums they threw after Cheney's accident.


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