Thursday, February 09, 2006


Glenn Reynolds on the injection of partisan politics into Coretta Scott King's funeral:
The problem with today's Democrats is that they try to invest the naked hunger for power with the dignity of the civil rights movement, a dignity that they no longer possess because it was based on a self-discipline that they no longer possess.
There was a report on Fox News that the Democrats are recruiting Iraq War veterans to run for Congress. I wonder how well that will work.

I don't know if Iraq can break out of the Middle Eastern pattern, but I still feel that it was a worthwhile project. As a caller on Hugh Hewitt's show noted, the Democrats seem to hate George Bush more than they do bin Laden. I believe that anger is the reaction of a person who's losing the argument. I suppose that if my party had elected a president like Bill Clinton and nominated stiffs like Al Gore and John Kerry, I'd be worried too, but I'd have a hard time defending it. The pervasiveness of namecalling by liberals who no longer know how to defend their ideology with facts and logic is another symptom the left's intellectual bankruptcy.


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