Saturday, March 04, 2006

Mommie Dearest

That's what Harvard looks like post Larry Summers. It's the apology fetish that really does it. No matter how gross or innocent your deeds, an apology is required. If your deed was gross, like Bill Clinton's taking advantage of a confused young woman who was his intern, an apology gives total absolution. Unless you're a Republican, then it requires a special prosecutor, and 5 years of misery, with loss of reputation and employment. If you're a Democrat, it's the special prosecutor who gets the misery, loss of reputation and the rest.

Bush is especially contemptible to the press because he refuses to apologize for what he didn't do intentionally. So he was wrong, with the rest of the free world, about WMD in Iraq. (I don't concede that, since it now appears that Russia helped Iraq move its NCBs into Syria, another Russian client.) Why does that call for an apology? Because an apology constitutes an admission of wrongdoing, whether intentional or negligent.

Under old rules you could apologize for an accident, but not today, not anymore. Larry Summers didn't do anything wrong. Why should he apologize? It's the Humanities faculty who have damaged the University. Don't expect any of them to apologize very soon. They've stormed the Bastille and used the quillotine. They're full of themselves.


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