Friday, March 17, 2006

True Polygamy

Charles Krauthammer is the latest to acknowledge the new HBO series, "Big Love", about polygamy among apostate Mormons.

Being a descendent of some polygamists, I've often thought about the modern alternative where one divorces one wife before taking another and then avoids supporting her children. My ancestors never did that. They were interested in obtaining the covenant of Abraham, whereby he was promised an endless posterity, not only in mortality, but in heaven, as well. They would never have countenanced receiving welfare from the government to support their families. They were Victorians and so were their wives. They were straitlaced and modest. There were no harims. There was nothing hidden from the women who entered into plural marriage. They consented to it.

The family of each wife lived separately, in separate homes or apartments. There were no orgies or beds full of women, as the rest of the world imagined it.

Modern polygamy amongst apostate Mormons sounds hideous, with middle aged men marrying 13 year olds, welfare fraud, tax avoidance and secretive living on the fringes of the law.


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