Monday, March 06, 2006

War with Iran?

ABC News reports:
U.S. military and intelligence officials tell ABC News that they have caught shipments of deadly new bombs at the Iran-Iraq border.. . .

U.S. officials say roadside bomb attacks against American forces in Iraq have become much more deadly as more and more of the Iran-designed and Iran-produced bombs have been smuggled in from the country since last October.
Coincidentally, I was looking to find out what else Iran manufactures, besides nukes and armor-piercing bombs. So far, I've found pistachios, saffron, travertine marble and bitumen (a solid form of tar). Oh, and carpets and other textiles, and Chinese Chery automobiles.

The CIA World Fact Book says its GDP is $551.6 billion, and this about its economy:
Iran's economy is marked by a bloated, inefficient state sector, over reliance on the oil sector, and statist policies that create major distortions throughout. Most economic activity is controlled by the state. Private sector activity is typically small-scale - workshops, farming, and services. President KHATAMI has continued to follow the market reform plans of former President RAFSANJANI, with limited progress. Relatively high oil prices in recent years have enabled Iran to amass some $40 billion in foreign exchange reserves, but have not eased economic hardships such as high unemployment and inflation. The proportion of the economy devoted to the development of weapons of mass destruction remains a contentious issue with leading Western nations.
Sounds like North Korea, South.

Not to worry though. Nobody is making the argument that Iran is close to getting WMD and threatening the stability of the Middle East. The first Democrat who criticizes Bush for not acting preemptively against the Mullahs ought to be lynched.


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