Thursday, June 22, 2006


About the North Korean thing, I see this as another effort to shake down the rest of the world for more money to keep this pathetic excuse for a government going. As Christopher Hitchens noted "North Korea's a slave state." It doesn't deserve to be treated as one of the community of nations.

I thought from the first that the best response would be to say, "If it comes into North American air space, we welcome the opportunity to test our anti-missile defense systems," and leave it at that. This program gives us the option of treating acts of war by regimes like this as something less than that. Their nukes may suddenly become expensive paperweights, but that won't keep them from using terrorist methods of delivery. That makes success in Iraq far more important.

The Dems seem to be afraid that if they can't establish as date certain for a bug out, they'll be seen as the irrelevant, feckless crowd they've become. This is what happens when you give the family SUV to the reckless kids.


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