Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Can the melting pot work?

Michael Barone's new book sounds commonsensical, but unless we manage to get rid of the influence of the academic elite, media pundits, european-wannabes and liberal bien-pensants, it'll never be adopted. The whole liberal establishment, especially its grip on the Democrats, needs to be relegated to the same fringe as the Communists and the Libertarian Party. Small L libertarians, however, are likely to be the next major opposition to conservatives, because they will support causes that liberals support, except gun control, but which mainstream conservatives are not ready to embrace, such as gay marriage, legalizing drugs, and such. We may be in for multiple parties, but I doubt it. Either way, though, I think it would be better for the future of the melting pot than the current nanny party establishment. The real trick is going to be downsizing the bureaucracies that drive things like multiculturalism, minority privileges (as distinguished from civil rights), and the academic resentment of cultural disappearances. In short, I think a rebirth of Jacksonian values is needed.


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