Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Time for a Debate on the Rights of the Press.

Cassandra eviscerates Bill Keller and the NYTimes and what she calls Keller's Unitary Editor doctrine, the view that the Press is a law unto itself, intended by the Constitution to be the real ultimate authority in the United States. One salutary effect of the blogosphere is that it has shown the Times to have feet clay or glass as thin as that of a light bulb. One would think such an institution would want to avoid kicking up too much dust.

I hope this is just the beginning of the questioning of thise dumb idea. The press works when there is diversity of opinion among the various media. When they all follow a single leader such as the New York Times, the priniciple is violated. This should be the demand from everyone: The Times is not a government institution. It's power comes from trust and respect. Lose that, and you're nothing more than a P.R. device.


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