Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Gone, Wisconsin

Kevin Barrett will teach his course, Introduction to Islam, as scheduled. He was, coincidentally, a guest on Michael Medved's program this afternoon. If he really believes a tenth of what he said, he's unfit to teach anybody anything. He's delusional. He was more in denial than most Arab Muslims. He not only ascribes 9/11 to the CIA, but also all the terrorism around the world. I thought maybe he was just larding it on to show contempt for Medved, but then a Somali who's lived in Seattle for 12 years had called earlier to complain that America has always been at war with Islam. He couldn't cite any evidence, but it's obvious that he has heard it so often from his own community that he accepts it without further thought.

As a critique of their religion, people like this are the best evidence that it is about as advanced as the Catholic Church was when it put Galileo under house arrest. Barrett sounded like a moron. How he managed to get a PhD is beyond me. I guess you don't have to demonstrate any critical thinking skills to do a dissertation.


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