Monday, September 04, 2006

Another CAIR package

AFP "reports," and John Hinderaker disputes, the claim that American Muslims are being mistreated. Frankly, I'm surprised that there hasn't been more real persecution, given their general silence on the Islamic credentials of the terrorists. CAIR seems intent on building their sense of victimhood with its repeated whining accusations. I think most Muslims just want to keep a low profile, but having a thin skin is not the best way to earn the trust and respect of the rest of us.

My impression is that devout traditional Muslims don't care for the agreesive and hostile behavior of the terrorists, but don't dare say much for fear of being denounced by the Imams who have been hired to preach Salafist (Wahhabist) fundamentalism. They'd get more support from other Americans if they showed some spunk. Of course, for all I know, they could be in sympathy with the terrorists. My feeling though is that this is unlikely. I doubt that Islam encourages speaking one's mind.


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