Sunday, September 10, 2006

Clinton finger wags again

The stupidity of demanding cancellation of a movie because it shows you in a bad light is so obvious and unamerican that I have a hard time believing that the minions who sent the demand letter did so without shame. I don't think I could have sent it over my signature. Why Democrats think this reaction will do anything but hype this film is a mystery. The specific criticisms or claims of inaccuracy are the kind of thing that all docudramas indulge in, where some events and characters are combined to simplify the story.

It reminds me of a W. C. Fields scene. He's a bartender with little skinny co-worker, Squawk Mulligan:
Fields: "I'm tending bar one time down in the lower east side in New York. A tough paloma comes in there by the name of Chicago Molly. I cautioned her, 'None of your peccadilloes in here.'

There was some hot lunch on the bar, comprising of succotash, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, and asparagus with mayonnaise. She dips her mitt down into this melange. I'm yawning at the time, and she hits me right in the mug with it. I jumps over and I knocks her down."

Squawk: "You knocked her down? I was the one that knocked her down!"

Fields: "Oh yes, that's right. He knocked her down...but I was the one who started kicking her.

I starts kicking her in the midriff. Did you ever kick a woman in the midriff that had a pair of corsets on?"

Customer: "No, I just can't recall any such incident right now."

Fields: "Well, I almost broke my great toe; I never had such a painful experience."

Customer: "Did she ever come back again?"

Squawk: "I'll say she came back. She came back a week later and beat the both of us up."

Fields: "Yeah, but she had another woman with her--an elderly woman with gray hair."


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