Monday, September 18, 2006

I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition

And, according to
the Guardian the CIA isn't coming close. Despite the British Attorney General's remarks, if the Geneva Convention means that the interrogation techniques used by CIA (yelling, sleep deprivation, chilly temperatures, loud music and some slapping that causes stinging but no lasting injury), I doubt that anybody except us has been complying with it. It sounds like the prisoners are supposed to get better treatment than our own troops in training, better than conditions in most areas of the Middle East.

I'm not sure Western Civilization really wants to survive. The techniques described sound like the Boot Camp Marines used to undergo, and less than the endurance exercises and survival training they undergo now. If Bush's proposed standards are withdrawing from the Geneva Conventions, I think it's high time we withdrew. Our Supreme Court has made a big mistake and seriously compromised the President's power to do his job. Common Article III's prohibition of treatment that is "degrading or humiliating" seems to mean the same thing as not being given a comfy chair. The terrorists will tie us with our own silly rules.


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