Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Ghouls Rejoice

The three thousandth death of an American soldier has occurred in Iraq. The point of reporting such figures is to suggest that we've paid too high a price for what we've accoomplished, but it also makes me wonder, given the refusal of our media to report without bias and partisanship, whether we really know how much we've accomplished. I don't see many reports I trust that can answer that, but I believe, from reading the reports from military bloggers, that it is a great deal. How many hundreds of thousands of innocent lives have been saved despite those lost? Americans alive today enjoy the fruits of sacrifices of many generations who came before us, probably more than are good for us. We are free of diseases that still plague much of the world.

We have made a lot of mistakes, but I can't feel that ending the cruel reign of Saddam Hussein is one of them. Fleeing just when the end is in sight seems about the most foolish waste I can imagine.


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